4 Things I Do Everyday

4 Things I Do Everyday
Photo by Chris Lee / Unsplash

Life is a bit wonky. The slightest decision we make could lead to something astronimical. In this blog post I aim to share with you all 4 simple things that I do everyday to make my human experience a bit better.

1. Pray

Spoiler alert, if you are not a christian you can go ahead and skip this rule.*

Every day I wake up, I open my Bible app and read the verse if the day. After reading the verse of the day, I proceed to read a chapter from whatever book in the Bible I am reading so far.  After reading my Bible, I go on to say a prayer to officially start my day.

My prayers aren't really complicated, sometimes it can be a simple, "thank you Lord for waking me up today." Everyday I must talk to God.

2. Write Down The Vision

I don't know about you all but I absolutely aspire to be wealthy, or as close to wealthy as I can get. So, logically,  I think, in order to become wealthy I need to think like a wealthy individual. I need to do what wealthy do. You know what wealtthy people do? Wealthy people write down their visions and pray. So, everyday, I open up my vision book and try to add something new to my vision book.

I got this message from Steve Harvey, and he got it from Oprah, and I've stuck with it ever since. Now the trick with this vision book thing is that you have to jot down your vision with intent and believe, wholeheartedly, that God is going to come through with his end and deliver on his promise.  

I highly recommend the following videos:

3. Hit The Gym

I'll be the first one to tell you, I am the laziest person on the block. I cannot stand working out. However, it is something we all have to do in order to stay healthy. Exercising has become such a bitter sweet experience for me. Everyday I push through and I hope that all of my exercising is worth it in the end.

All jokes aside, the hardest part about working out is showing up to the gym. Once you get in the gym, stay on the tredmill for at least 30 minutes everyday, and your body will thank you for it.

There are some fun challenges such as 12-3-30 that help you see some great results.

F.Y.I. "12-3-30" means incline of 12, speed of 3, for 30 minutes.

4. Learn

As you may have heard,

"No knowledge is a waste."

Everyday, I try to educate myself on something new. My favorite thing to educate myself on, at the moment, is animals. I honestly don't know why, but, at the moment, I find animals really fascinating. Anything David Attenborough, I am down to watch it.

If you haven't already, I suggest you tune into the Netflix documentary series called, "Our Planet" where David Attenborough enlightens us about how human actions affect the earth and the animals. It's really interesting stuff.

Special Thanks  

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