10 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started College/University

10 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started College/University
Photo by Matt Ragland / Unsplash

You ever wish someone gave you some advice before you started college? I sure know I did. I mean did have some help, and I asked around but there are still so many other things I wish I knew. So today, I wanted to share some tips to those of you who will be enrolling in college soon!

What's up everyone! Welcome to Anything About Everything (AAE), KI hope you are having a beautiful day. On this blog I like to talk about productivity, movie reviews, random thoughts, rants, etc; as you can see, I talk about a wide range of topics. If this seems likes something you're interested in, go ahead and click on that SUBSCRIBE button! HAPPY READING!

1: Unsure Of Your Major?

If you don't know what you want to do yet, that's alright. Believe it or not, you're not the only one who will be an undecided major. The best thing you can do is, knock out the general pre-requisite course (e.g. english, government, etc); at least that way you do pick a major, you won't feel like you wasted any time.

I suggest, for those of you who don't know what you want to do, you make a list of thing you absolutely DO NOT want to. Once you figure out what you do not want to do, the "potential careers" list is easier to create.

2: Do Not Follow Your Bf/Gf to College

Being high school sweethearts is wonderful, however it can be very distracting especially when you are trying to study. Do not let your high school love deter you from your goals. I'm not sying this will be you, but a lot of high school couple don't make it past freshmen year first semester/term, talkess of graduating together.

If you're significant other (s/o), is going to MIT and you know you're not even in the top 50% of your graduating class, chances are you won't be accepted into MIT. And that's ok. You don't have to attend the same college/university as your love.

...for those of you that have been together since high school...

I hope y'all get married (if that's what y'all want of course). ❤️