Anything About Everything is 7 Months Old!!!

Anything About Everything is 7 Months Old!!!
Photo by Jason Leung / Unsplash


I know this probably terrible but, I refuse to lie to y'all, I honestly have not kept track of how long I have been writing to you all; I just create the content. For some reason, today, I decided to scroll down and look at when I published my first article and it was seven months ago- March 26, 2023 to be exact.

Since I started this blog, I have written over 40 blog posts!!!


Thank You to my Readers!

First off, I just want to say THANK YOU to each and every single person who has ever taken the time to read my blog posts. Thank you to my AAE family; you all are amazing. Y'all don't understand, this blog is something I do for fun; I naturally enjoy writing for you all. But you all actually taking the time to read my post and leaving wonderful comments, it makes the journey that much better.

Shoutout to all of y'all. MUAH! ❤️❤️❤️

Some of my favorite posts thus far...

Twitter Fun | @InternetH0F
Hey everyone, I hope you all doing alright. I hope all of you had a wonderful weekend. As for me, my weekend was pretty chill. I spent some time on Twitter and there was a lot of choas going on, especially with this is whole Ocean Gate submarine story and
Effective Study Habits For Students
Hello everyone! This post is for all of my hardworking students. Whether you’ve been in school since the age of 4, are an adult who decided to go back to school, or are just studying in general (maybe for a certificate), the tips I will talk about in this post
Things I’m Learning As I’m Getting Older
My mom was right when she said, ”you’ll understand when you get older.” Because boy oh boy are things making more sense as a I get older. There are so many things I didn’t understand when I was a kid and there are things that I am getting
Netflix is Making Porn
Yup, you read that right. I said it, Netflix is indeed making porn. Okay, okay...they aren’t officially making porn; however, they are making pointless, sex-filled films. Keep reading down below. *Disclaimer: Anything About Everything does NOT own any rights to the images used in this blog post*…

The last post especially because everyone's reaction to it is hilarious.

That's all!

Anyways, I just wanted to share this monumental event with you all. Once again, thank you for reading. Thank you for subscribing. Let me know which posts from this year are your faves!

Happy holidays and let's end this year with a BANG! Stay safe! I love y'all! Remain Blessed! ❤️