Are the Podcast’s Getting Out of Hand?

Are the Podcast’s Getting Out of Hand?
Photo by Harry Cunningham / Unsplash

Simply put, yes.


And no.

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Thanks again for popping in! Let's head into today's read.

Just for some clarity, let's define podcasts.

What is a Podcast?

A podcast is a form of entertainment and or program made available in format for people where people share their views on whatever topic with the world. Podcasts are available all over the internet for streaming via Youtube, Spotify, Twitch, iTunes, etc.

Photo by Vika Strawberrika / Unsplash

Now that we have gotten the definition of what a podcast is, we can get into the "why's" behind podcasts.

Why Do People Listen to Podcasts?

People enage in podcast for all types of reasons, but here are some of the most common reasons as to why people listen in on podcasts:

  1. For educational purposes.
  2. For entertainment purposes.
  3. Just to have something playing while they are doing something else. So essentially, "background noise."
  4. Podcasts allow people to be in tune with themselves; especially if they have a particular interest in something specific.
  5. People are looking for a means to connect to others on a deeper level.

What Do People Start Podcasts?

Nowadays, it seems like everyone and their mother has a podcasts. I mean, jeez, the microphone market must be through the roof because everyone has something to say. With that being said, let's talk about what is making everyone want to pick up a mic and start a podcast. Why does everyone have a podcast?

  • Easy Start Up- Starting a podcast is relatively easy considering all you really need is a microphone, decent wi-fi, and a bit of creativity. Starting out your eqiipment does not have to to crazy expensive. You can literally start off by using the microphone that comes with your headphones and work your way up to fancy external microphone later. Need a camera? Why not use your phone camera. Need content to talk about? Google is your best friend. Literally the possibilites are endless. All that's requried for you to start is for you to get up and start!
  • Become an Influencer- A podcast is an easy way to grow a really good following on social media and for people to potentially become online influencers. Before you know it, you could become a well respected content creator.
  • Potential income- The potential to make six figures and more is there. Although, you may not be making big bucks at first, with a little patients and consistency, people that make podcast begin to earn real money if they keep at it.
  • They have something to share with the world- even if they only have one consistent listener it's enough. Some people are just content knowing that they ahve said their peace and havem shared it with the world. Honestly you never know who is engagaing with your content. You just create content in hopes that one day, ONE DAY, someone will be touch by what you put out to the world.
  • Just Because- Do things always need a purpose? Sometimes folks just want to release content for the sake of releasing content. There doesn't always have to be some logical reason behind people's actions; as far as they get started and keep going.

Are Podcast Becoming A Bit Too Much?