Effective Study Habits For Students

Effective Study Habits For Students
Photo by Iewek Gnos / Unsplash

Hello everyone!

This post is for all of my hardworking students. Whether you've been in school since the age of 4, are an adult who decided to go back to school, or are just studying in general (maybe for a certificate), the tips I will talk about in this post are sure to help you improve your study habits.

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Yes, it's that time of year again, where you start to see the back to school commercial on your tv screen and your thinking to yourself,

"Yes, I'm going to make all my flashcards."

"I'm going to make top 10% or make it to the Dean's list"

"I'm going to get the grades I want to get. I want to make A's in all my classes."

Don't get me wrong, these are all great sentiments to have. I commend you for it. But come on, let's be real...


Keke Palmer on Terrell Show, "keep it real sister girl!"

As the school year progresses, the more school work piles on and as the pressure of exams/mid-terms come, the fire that you had at the beginning of the school year starts to dwindle. That's what we call "BURNING OUT." We do not want you to burn out.

You one month into the school year

That is where this post comes in. This thing called "burnout" is what were trying to prevent. Today's topic is "Effective Study Habits for Students," is here to help students all over the world. This is post is here to help mitigate the potential burnout you might experience as a student.

The main agenda of this post is to help you, you all, set up a good system so that you don't experience that burnout. We want you to study with intent and not just for the sake of trying to cram information for an upcoming examination. We want you to be a successful student.

If you are Nigerian, you've probably heard this is saying:

"That child that got first place, do they have two heads?"

Of course not, they have just MASTERED how to study in a way that's effective for them and that's why they are able to do so well in school. So today, I am just going to share some super simple strategies that I think would be extremely beneficial to you.

And no, you don't have to crack your brain to do any of these things.

So let's get into these tips.