Enough! God Forbid

Enough! God Forbid
Photo by Maxim Hopman / Unsplash

So I just got through watching this very intense movie on Netflix and all I can say is...GOD FORBID. I mean the deception, the threats, the lengths that this man went through to make this womens life a living hell...there's just so much to unpack in this movie and I can't wait to get into it. So let's get started!


Hello everyone!

Welcome to Anything About Everything (a.k.a AAE). On this site I mainly post movies/show reviews but I also dive into other topics such as my personal life, rants, productivity, etc. I haven't quite figured out what niche I really want to dive into specifically- I just know I like writing and getting my thoughts out there, hence the title of the blog.

Anyways, that was just a short introduction to this blog for all my new readers. Thank you for taking the time to click on this blog and for reading this far. Please, feel free to read some of my other content.

Thank you!

Now let's get back to the point of this post. ⬇️

What is 'Enough' About?

As written on Netflix:

"To escape an abusive marriage, a mother goes into hiding with her child-but when her obsessive husband tracks her down, she must fight for her life."

The Basics of the Film

Genre: Drama/Suspenful/Thriller

Released: 2002

Length: 1 hr 55 mins

Main Characters:

Jennifer Lopez as Slim Hiller

Billy Campbell as Mitch HIller

Tessa Allen as Gracie Hiller

Dan Futterman as Joe

Noah Wyle as Robbie

Juliette Lewis as Ginny

Official Trailer:

My thoughts on the movie:

Before I continue, I just want to say that everyone in this film acted DOWN!!!

NOTE: when I say "down," in this context, I mean they acted their butt's off. They did amazing. They had me convinced. I felt like I was there.

When I say they acted DOWN, I mean EVERYONE. The little girl even did her thing! Shoutout to all the actors, actresses, producers, directors, camera crew, editors, etc. Y'all did an amazing job. And this movie was amazing.

Domestic violence is such a hard topic to talk about, and I know that there are people all over the world that experience such on a day to day basis. To all of you that experience this, I am so sorry. I truly hope that you get help. I hope that you are able to get out of that situation sooner rather than later. I hope that you are one day able to live your life in peace.

'Enough' was truly an eye opener to me. There are so many things about this movie that stood out to me- from the way they met, to how they got their home, and then his sudden switch in behavior. It was truly very scary. Especially for Slim, I'm certain she never thought Mitch was capable of being such a brute when she married him. Mitch gentle with her from the start. This situation was so bad. It was so bad to point where...I wouldn't even wish this on my worst enemy. If you are a Mitch, the hottest part of Hell is waiting for you.

How Did They Meet?

Slim was working at a diner when this guy started hitting on her. At first, she rejected him and then she finally decided to go on a date with the guy. Before the guy would get her number, some man who sat behind said guy spoke up about how the guy placed a bet with his friends yesterday that he could sleep with Slim. The man that spoke up is Mitch.

So, of course, at this point, Slim thinks Mitch is her night in shining armour. That Mitch is a stand up guy, so they end up dating. They date, get married, get a house, and have kid. Things are regular, nothing crazy.

Slim's Backstory:

Slim virtually has no family. She meets her, unconfirmed, father later in the film and her mother is dead. Her family was/is essentially a group of people that she had known from the diner that she used to work at. When she married Mitch, she went from being a diner girl to becoming the housewife of a wealthy business man. It seemed like a sweet gig at the time. I mean, I wouldn't complain.

Red Flags:

Keep in mind, were still in the beginning of the movie. The plane is taking off, we aren't in the air yet, and I'm noticing red flags.

  1. When they met at the diner: This is a red flag because how did he know that the guy that hit on her was at the diner the day before? Also, Mitch as was wearing rags at the diner; how, in a matter of months, did he become rich?
  2. When they "bought" they house: Why was Slim way at the back? Why was she not listening in as he was making the deal with the homeowner? Slim was just oblivious to everything. But I also don't blame her seeing as though she knows that she wasn't going to be the one to cut the check. But still. Moreover, Mitch, what makes you think you can just pull up to someone'e house when they aren't selling? There wasn't a sign saying they were selling, it wasn't an open house, you just pulled up and uprooted this mans whole life with a threat. WOW! And Slim asked no questions...clap for yourself.

I don't know, I'm just pointing out things that I feel could have been avoided. But I understand, in the moment, people aren't thinking about that.

Anyways moving forward,

Another thing I noticed was when she wanted to take a shower with him and he said no because he's just finishing up. This isn't that major but it did seem weird how he brushed her off.

When Slim Dialed That Number???

Let me tell you something, when Slim dialed that "33" and that woman answered the phone...oh, it got MESSY!!!

DISCLAIMER: I HATE when people make announcements in situations like this. Because why?

Mitch, at the time, was taking a shower and his side piece was paging him. Slim, as his wife, decided to called the number and some lady was hitting up his line talking about going to dinner that evening. Keep in mind, Slim (JLo) thought Mitch had a work matter. Also keep in mind, they Mitch and Slim share a child at this point. Mitch is very bold.

Anywho, Mitch gets ready for his date. He sees Slim looking distraught on the side with his phone in her hands, and Slim confronts him. After being confronted, Mitch owns up to being a cheater.

This is where things get crazy.

Slim tells Mitch that she's going to leave Mitch and take their daughter (Gracie) with her. Mitch then strikes Slim and then follows that up with a punch in face. At this point, my girl is bleeding.

Mitch, unafraid, tells Slim that she not going anywhere. Mitch said, he was still going to go on his date with his side piece. He said he feels relieved because now he no longer has to hide his other relationship, etc.

Mitch leaves, and startes the car. As soon as he's out of the house, Slim tries to make a phone call. Within three seconds, Mitch is at the window asking Slim, "who are you calling?" Mitch coming back into the frame was so eerie.

So, that's pretty much how this whole situation got started. At this point our airplane is in the air.

(I hope you guys are following my airplane analogy)

Slim manages to escape the clutches of this man for a little while. Thank God for friends. The thing that was wild about her escape is why she thought she could escape him but still use his money. Moreover, why did she think, he wouldn't be able to find her when she was using credit cards owned by him.

Let's remember...let's take a look at Slim's backstory. Slim used to work at diner. She owns no degree. Her lifestyle was funded by her husband. Slim owns nothing. And she hasn't worked in years.

The devil works hard but Mitch Hiller works harder. This man found her at some dusty motel. The only thing that saved Slim was the bus. Imagine being chased by a man while having to carry a baby. That is a nightmare.

What's even crazier about this situation is that Mitch had so much reach. There was no place Slim could go that he wouldn't find her. Even the baby, Gracie, was tired.

A New Beginning

Slim manages to get some distance between herself and Mitch. Slim buys a house. Slim is able to reinstate her daughter into a school. There was some sense of stability.

Note: Both Slim and Gracie, had to legally change their names. Birth certificates and passports were changed. It got to a point where someone asked Gracie what was her name and she said, "I don't know." Quite frankly, I don't blame her, because I don't know either. Slim and her daughter have had to change their name so many times, it's hard to keep up.

All it took was ONE phone call to mess this whole thing up.

For the sake of her child, Slim drives 45 minutes out of her way, to a payphone so that her child can speak to her psycho of a father. The call was approximately 15 seconds and Mitch pinned her location. Can you say "BULLSEYE?"

Just when you thought the situation was crazy, it get's crazier.

Let's go back to how Mitch and Slim met. Remember they guy that hit on her? Yeah, turns out his name is Robbie. Robbie and Mitch are friends and were in kahoots from the jump. Even crazier, Robbie is a cop.


Apparently, Mitch and Robbie had been running this jerk/chivalry plot on other women. Turns out Mitch just took the joke too far and decided to marry Slim.

These men are SICK!!!

Mitch sends Robbie, the cop, to do a stack out at Slim's new place. Mitch pulls up her spot and almost kills Slim. Kuddos to Slim to not being naive and for setting up booby traps. Slim may have been able to relax for a bit, but she was never not on guard. I appreciate that about her.

Slim manages to trap her baby daddy in the house and escape. What she didn't know is that Robbie, plan B, was in a car waitng for her to leave. The situation turns into a high speed chase. Keep in mind, Slim is with her child. The child is scared. You, the mother, are trying to get away from a maniac while also tending to your child. Slim is a strong one.

Enough Is Enough

Slim said, you know what Mitch, I'm tired of you always having one up on me. Slim drops off of her baby with her best friend in a whole different location. Slim goes to work and starts going to self-defense classes. She meets with this Lawyer and she prepares herself.

Mitch tried to set Slim up with a custody court case. The court case is just a formailty in order for him to learn her location, and, or gain full custody of their child. Obviously, Slim can't miss the case, but she can't be stupid enough to go unprepared.

Slim makes her way into Mitch's new home.

I can't lie, I was a little scared for my girl. Y'all have to watch this movie.

While Mitch is a work, Slim learns of the location of Mitch's new house. She figures out every place where he could hide a weapon and she also plants a few of her own.

Mitch comes back from work and let's just say he was not ready. This was a whole new Slim he was dealing with. Slim held her own and whopped that man's butt. I kind of wished she would have finished the job; no one would blame her...

But she didn’t. That's okay because she's not him.

Anyway, the real cops come and yadda, yadda, yadda. The end.

SIDE BAR: I just want to say that Mitch is a coward. Almost everytime he ever came for her, or anyone else, he always had a weapon. And he loved picking up a gun. That man picked on her because he knew she was little and had no real family. Such a loser.

Rating: 8/10

'Enough' could actually have a part 2. Seeing as though she didn't kill him, we could only assume that Mitch went to jail. But what about his friend? What about Robbie? We possibly explore a plot where Mitch gets out of jail but this time Gracie is the one who puts an end to his antics.

I don't know. Let's ponder that thought for a minute.


This was a PROPER FILM. I was truly invested in everything this movie had going on. My eyes were glued to screen. This movie is old but it was my first time seeing it and I couldn't help but leave a review. This was a fantastic movie. Truly a good one. Once again, thank you to everyone that made this movie possible.

I hope that you all enjoyed my review. I hope that you all take the time to watch this movie. I promise, its not a waste of time. And to Ms. Lopez...okay girl!!! You did your thing in this movie.

Thank you all and stay tuned for my next movie/ tv show review. ❤️