Happy New Year Everyone!

Happy New Year Everyone!
Photo by Ian Schneider / Unsplash

Welcome to the year 2024! If you made it this far, give yourself a round of applause. Last year was great but this year, 2024, will be even better.

For today’s post, I would like to introduce you all to the this year. I‘ll share some of my goals for the next 12 months and, of course, share some words of encouragement to you all.

So without any delay

Welcome to the year 2024!!!!

First of all, YAY! We all made it in one piece. Last year may have been challenging for many of you, myself include, but hey, we made it and we’re here; there are many people that didn’t cross over with us.

May their souls rest in peace.

*internet/web moment of silence*

I just want to remind you all that this year is fresh. If you need to reinvent yourself, do that. Forget about who you were in 2023-that‘s in the past.

Go to the gym, work for that body! Apply for the job even if you don’t qualify. Apply to that program. Do whatever you need to do in order to not be filled with regret by the end of this year.

I would hate for summer to come around and you people are still giving me flimsy excuses as to why you couldn’t reach your goal. And hey, if don’t accomplish your goals, that okay too as far as you can honestly walk away being able to say, you gave it your all.

DO NOT DECEIVE YOURSELF. No one can stop you but you. This year, make it count. By the end of the year, we’ll see who did what.

NOTE: this is post is more so a message to myself.

Enough with the motivating pep talk

Let’s get into my goals for this year.

Goal #1: Consistently posting

Last year was when I started AAE. I didn't know which direction I wanted this blog to go and so I was lousy in the way that I would post my articles. This year, I want commit to posting every Wednesday at 12 pm CST. For my subscribers across the pong that means you get updates for my posts around 7pm.

So, goal #1 ==> Post a blog every Wednesday at 12pm Central time America.

Goal #2: Food & The Gym

I know I preach going to the gym on here, and I do go to the gym. The gym isn't the enemy...food is my problem. Why is it that the things that aren't nutritionally of value to our bodies tend to be the foods that become so addictive?

Yes I know, picking a cinnamon roll over a carrot is a choice, but let's be real!!! It's a cinnamon roll. Carrots are bland. If I add ranch, you'll tell me that ranch is also fattening.

...My goodness, where can I win?!?!?

Is it everyday salad?


Or the people that say to meal prep.


I'm not going to lie, meal prepping is nice. Or at least it sounds nice on paper, but after my third day of eating that same meal from monday, I'm over it.

So this year, I want to keep it simple and just focus on eating an appropriate amount of food from all the different food groups.

USDA MyPlate What Is MyPlate?

This is the goal this year. I'm trying to get my plate to look more like this:

Instead of starch filled plates like this:

I'm sure that second plate smacks, but this year we are on an agenda to stop hypertension. This year we are on a mission to obliterate atherosclerosis.

You cannot keep eating crazy and then act shocked when your doctor diagnosis you with something that is on brand with how you're eating and how your lifestyle is. Be serious. Let's stop playing games.

On the other hand, last year, whilst I did go to the gym consistenly (as in showing up), I didn't really feel like I knew what I was doing. This year I want to keep it simple and start cycling.

In 2023, I went to the gym but I guess I was just in their playing bevaus when the scale did not MOVE!?!??! The scale was stagnant. I completely understand why though, I was eating crazy and not working hard enough in the gym. I want to make an effort to eat clean. Eat colorful. I want to start cycling and I also want to start calisthenics.

Why calisthenics? Calisthenics because I want to master my own body weight. There are lot of people in the gym who can't do a push but think that they are doing something because they can deadlift a million pounds.

I've also noticed that calisthenics kind of forces your body to remain lean in order to perform certain exercises as you advance. Also, calisthenic skills look way cooler.

One of my goals, is to accomplish the human flag one day- maybe not his year, but one day.

So to wrap up this segment

Goal #2: Eat better. Cycle consistently for at least 30 minutes 5 times a week and then increase the time as we progress. Calisthenics is something that I will start this year but not this month. I'm thinking no later then March.

Goal #3: Dress Better

The way I was leaving my house last year was disgraceful. Everyday, BLACK. I know black is tired of me. Everytime, I'm walking out of my house dressed like Wednesday Addams. I won't post anything, I won't go to functions, why? Because I know I'm not looking good.

I'm not too big to tell myself the truth.

This year, we have to make a change. We need to get serious in the gym, get our money up, get the outfits together so we can start turning some heads.

As the saying goes, "when you look good, you feel good."


Say after me: I Will Go Out This December.

♬ original sound - 📍Eni

"You are not a furniture" is such a mood.

Go out. Go make memories.

Thanks for reading!

Thank you so much for reading my goals for this year. Please don't be offended my anything I said in this post; this is more so a message for me. As I said earlier in this post, I sincerly hope that this helps someone in the world get their act together.

So yeah folks, let's make it happen. Let's make this year a great year!

By the way...

If you catch me slipping, remind me not to forget what I wrote down in this post.


Thank you! ❤️