How to be productive

How to be productive
Photo by Kevin Bhagat / Unsplash

In this post, we are going to be discussing how to be productive. How to get things done.

We all have different things that we prioritize. We all of different things that occupy our minds. Regardless of all that, we need to get things done. Life doesn't stop just because you are feeling down. You need to get up, finish whatever it is that needs to get done done and then you can rest. So here is by guide on how to be productive.

1. Write Things Down

Declutter your mind by making a to do list of things that need to get done. A great tool for this is some good old pen and paper. If you don't like pen and paper, use the notes app. Just WRITE IT DOWN! Writing things down makes everything clear. When you jot down your thoughts, your vision becomes clear and you can now then disect the big goals into small milestones.

2. Set A Timer

Keeping a timer on helps to keep yourself aware of how much time has gone by. Sometimes, you could be working for what could feel like an enternity, when in reality you havew only been working for 5 mintues.Without a timer, you might mess around and work for 5 mintures and take a 5 hour break; and then you'll never get anything done.

What you want to do is set a timer for 1-3 hours, or however long you feel you can work, and then give yourself a 30 minutes to 1 hour break in between (or however long you need).

3. Take Breaks

Now I know what you're thinking, "take a break? isn't that the opposite of what we should be doing?" Hold on, wait, I said take a break, I didn't say hibernate.

Take a 5-10 minute mental break. Take a quick breather. Don't burn yourself trying to be productive. Your health is more important than anything. Meditate for 5 minutes, sit in silence, drink some water, stretch, take some time to relax. Do whatever it is you need to do within that 5 to 10 minute window in order to come 10 times are harder and accomplish all  your goals for the day.

4. Put The Phone Down

While your taking your break, do not get on social media because once you get on, it's hard to get off. You hopped on TikTok at 12pm next time you look at the clock it's 2pm. Just like that 2 good hours have passed by while you werte on TikTok when you could have done something productive.

Do not allow yourself to get caught up with the socials. Put yourphoen on DND, "Do Not Disturb," save some people as favorites- maybe your partner, kids, parents- and keep it pushing.

Leave things to look forward to for all your hard work. For example, if you aere productive for 3 hours and you take a break for 1 hour. If you run a mile you can drink water. Just give yourself somethign to look forward to. Giving yourself soemthing tto look forward to increases the motivation.

6. Check Things OFF!!!

As the great Beyonce once said,

"It doesn't make sense for me to keep making notes when my previous notes are being taken."

I was just paraphrasing there. BeyHive please have mercy on me...


Yeah, why would you make a to do list of 100 tasks to complete in one day. Start with smaller chunks. Check things off your list as you go. Start off with 5 things to do. 5 tasks on you todo list doesn't seem too crazy. As the day goes by, add more things if you're up it.

7. Small to Big

Knock out all the small tasks first. Why? because you would have taken care of majorty of the things you ahve to get for the day that way. Imagine having 5 things to do for the day and you've spent the greater part of your day trying to complete one task, by the time you even begin to complete the other tasks, your mind will probably tell you, "forgey about it, you've worked hard enough for today." And then you end up not getting anything done for the day.  

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