How to Write A Killer Blog Post in 30 Minutes or Less

How to Write A Killer Blog Post in 30 Minutes or Less
Photo by hannah grace / Unsplash

If you are student, or have ever been one, then you understand that feeling of having an assignment due at 11:59pm...and it's 11pm on the clock. I'm pretty sure that rushed assignment (chances are they are an essay) was your best work. You kind of want to apply that same mentalilty to the concept of blogging; just with a little tweeking. That's what I want to talk about with today's blog post.

Side Note: Students, AAE does not recommend procastination.

Hello everyone, welcome to Anything About Everything (aka, "AAE"). On this blog we like to talk about current events, random facts, movie reviews, productivity, etc; as you can see, the title of the blog pretty much explains what you'll read should you SUBSCRIBE. I appreciate all of the love and support.

How Can YOU Create A Great Post In Half an Hour?

  1. Write Down The First 3 Ideas That Come to Mind: Once you have three big topic that you want to write about, pick one topic out of the three options and get to typing. Be sure to pick a topic that you can talk endlessly about. You want to be able to write a decent body of work.
  2. Make An Outline: Before you begin typing your blog post, you want to create an outline that way you have a clear idea of what you're going to write. Part of the reason why it takes so long to write a blog post is the thinking. Your brain is working hard to think of ideas and how to formulate what to write. Having an already made outline, takes a load off the brain.
  3. Use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Your Advantage: Technology is meant to be an aid, and you should use it to your help you accelerate your blog writing process. If you are struggling to think of ideas or need help re-writing some text, AI is a great tool to use.
  4. Write Now, Edit Later: If you have a serious writing deadline, even though, technically, for blogging you are on your own schedule 9 times out of 10, just write write write. Do not worry about grammatical errors or spell check. Once you've written a substantial amount of text or have finished writing your content (depending on the length of the essay or article) then you want to go back and edit. If you try to edit as you go, you may waste a lot of time and get distracted.
  5. Your Workspace Matters: Pick a location that will help you be productive. It doesn;'t matter where you work, as far as you are in a distraction free environment. So if you have certain responsibilites try to make sure that you have taken care of every single one of them and are ready to be in the ZONE.

Special Thanks!

Thanks so much for reading this blog post. I really hope this content has helped you in some fashion or form. I also hope that I have inspired you not to procratinate on everything; but if you do, do so responsibly; procastinate with a plan.

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Also, I would appreciate if you all could tell me what content you like to see more of. Thank you❤️

I really appreaciate all of your love and support. Please stay safe. Remain BLESSED!