I'm Working On It

I'm Working On It
Photo by BBiDDac / Unsplash

Hello everyone, happy new year! I hope all of you who made new years resolutions are well on your way to staying true to your word. I just want to say that I super proud of you. The new you is already so glad you decided to make that change. Take some time to appreciate you; give yourselves a pat on the back.

I however could like to share with the world that I am some what struggling with one of the three resolutions I set out for the new year.

If you are unfamiliar with the post I am talking about, check it out.

Happy New Year Everyone!
Welcome to the year 2024! If you made it this far, give yourself a round of applause. Last year was great but this year, 2024, will be even better. For today’s post, I would like to introduce you all to the this year. I‘ll share some of my

I know, I know I am letting myself down. But listen, goal #2 was a tough one. Especially when you don't have that habit built in you. It takes some time to get there; you can't just flip a switch and automatically change your lifestyle. I know for sure that getting into goal #2 will take a lot of discipline, on my part, in order for me to achieve the vision I have for goal #2.

I'm sure many of you are thinking to yourself, "well why are you telling us?"

I'm telling you people because that is what this platform is all about. I come on here to share what is going on in my life. In addition, I needed to write this blog post because I needed to keep myself accountable for things I said in my New Year's (2024) post.

For those of you who are like me, right now, who feel yourselves still behaving like your 2023 self, I'm here to remind you that we're only 10 days in. It's not too late to turn this thing around. Consider this is 10 day grace period. Now it's time to stand up and move. It's time for you to do what you said you were going to do. No more talking. Talk is cheap. Let your hard work shine through.

I know the new you wants to be free so bad but the old you keeps pushing him/her down. But you have to fight so hard for the new you that way old you gets scared and scurry's off. Be the change you want to see. Work at it everyday, even when you don't feel like it. At the end of the day, your feelings don't matter. Results do.

Giving into your guiltyb pleasures may feel good in the moment, but trust me...you're going to feel a whole lot worse later. You'll regret not sticking to your goals when you had the chance. Imagine, all it took to accomplish your dreams was a little self discipline; a little sacrificing.

So, I need all you (myself included) to make it work. Shake that table. It may seem like you have all the time in the world but you don't. Stop lying to yourself and get up.

You have to fight for you. No one else can fight for you but you. Like the saying goes, "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make her drink."

I believe in you. You got this!

Make it happen!