Is it a Big Deal For A Woman Not To Take Her Husbands Name?

Is it a Big Deal For A Woman Not To Take Her Husbands Name?
Photo by Luigi Pozzoli / Unsplash

I know it's not a must for a women to take her husbands surname, but I just want to understand why it is such a huge deal if a women decides not to take her husbands name?

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Now, let's get on with the topic of discussion.

How Did This Topic Come Up?

Just for a little context,

I am not married, nor, I have ever been married. I do aspire to marry someone one day but I don't know if I am ready to take on another person's name. Whenever I bring this up to anyone that asks, I get all sorts of reactions, so I thought- why not bring up this topic to the AAE family and see what you all think?

Reasons why women tend to change their surnames once they are married:

  1. Tradition demands it: For many families, taking a man's last name is mainly due to the fact that if a women does not change her last name to her husband's last name it is STRONGLY frowned upon.
  2. Make the family a UNIT: It's less confusing for outsiders when they try to address you. It can come off weird, especielly if an outsider meets you (the wife) first, and they accidently address your spouse by your maiden name.

My Reservations:

  1. My name already has a nice ring to it. My name just makes sense. I don't know who my future husband is, but if your last name doesn't blend/mesh well with my first name...I'm sorry, I might just have to stick with my name.
  2. Why must I alert the government that I want to change my last name? Why can't I simply answer your (my future husband's) surname in every other way that matters? Someone please answer these questions for me.

Thanks for Reading!

I really do want to know your thoughts on this. I don't know, maybe someone out there feels the same way. All I ask is that you keep your comments respectful. Thank you.

Have an amazing day. Stay Blessed!


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