Mike Wazowski is the underdog we should aspire to be

Mike Wazowski is the underdog we should aspire to be
Photo by Max Cortez / Unsplash

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*Disclaimer: Anything About Everythihng does NOT own any rights to the images used in this blog post*

Alright, let's jump right in!

The Basics of the Movie:

Movie: Monsters University

Duration: 1h 43m

Rated: G | Family/Comedy

Released: June 21, 2013

Directed By: Dan Scanlon

What is Monsters University About?

As written on Google:

"Ever since he was a kid monster, Mike Wazowski (Billy Crystal) has dreamed of becoming a Scarer. To make his dream a reality, he enrolls at Monsters University. During his first semester, he meets Sulley (John Goodman), a natural-born Scarer. Sulley and Mike engage in a fierce rivalry that ultimately gets them both kicked out of MU's elite Scare Program. To make things right, Mike and Sulley -- along with a bunch of misfit monsters -- will have to learn to work together."

Who is the Voice of Mike in Monsters University?

Billy Crystal is the voice of Mike Wazowski in the Disney film, Monsters University.

I recently re-watched Disney's "Monsters University," and I never took into account how hard Mike had to work to prove that he was good enough to get into the scare program. Of course, if you compare Sully and Mike obviously Sully is the safe choice. Sully obviously has the build, the scare factor and the roar. On paper, Sully is a great monster. On the otherhand, we have Mike and the rest of the Oozma Kappa fraternity. Every member of Oozma Kappa, excluding Sully, was nerdy, not intimidating, they just looked very harmless; one of them was an older monster who was trying to maintain is breathing. I mean look at them...

Monsters University | Disney Movies
image from Disney Movies

Compared to the rest of the university, they are the least intimidating bunch of monsters. Oozma Kappa really needed a miracle in order to make it in the scare games; that miracle was Mike Wazowski. Even though the whole school was certain that Oozma Kappa wouldn't make it, they stuck together and proved everyone wrong. The person that kept everything going and motivated the fraternity was Mike.

Mike has a lot of heart. Heart is was got him through the monster games. Heart is what fueled Mike when the whole school, including his frat members, said that they wouldn't make it past the first round of the scare games tournament.

My Favorite Mike Wazowski Quotes From Monsters University:

  1. "I just can't wait to get started"
  2. "We just need to keep trying"
  3. "Take a good look fellas, see what they all have in common? [uh...no, not really (said by Squishy)] exactly. There's no one type of Scarer. The best Scarers use their differences to their advantage."
  4. "I though if I wanted it enough, I could show everyone that Mike Wazowski is something special."
  5. "Monsters like you, have everything. You don't have to be good..."
  6. "You'll never know what it's like to fail..."

Things Mike Wazowski Needed To Learn:

*Granted some of the things in this list he did learn eventually

1. You're idea isn't always the best option.

I noticed that in the beginning of the tournament, Mike would constantly tell the team to do exactly what he says, and he never heard them out. Mike developed more towards the end of the movie when he listened to some of that Sully and some of the other Kappy members input.

2. It's ok to improvise and not always be by the book

Towards the end of the movie, Mike learned that the textbook version isn't the only way to do things. Sully helped Mike realized that it was time to let go of the books and go with his gut.

3. You can't do everything alone

Sullly needs Mike like Mike needs Sully. They make each other better. Mike may be the architect but he needed his team to carry out a lot of the tasks. Mike on his own is good; Mike with his team is great.

4. Failure is good

You learn in failure. At least if you fail, you'll know you tried. Then next time you attempt to do something you'll know what not to do. There is something to said for someone who manages to get up after falling time and time again.

Things I Learned From Mike Wazowski:

Don't be afraid to chase after your dreams

Mike decided from a very young age that he wanted to be a scarer; that's exactly what he fixaded his life on. Mike knew where he wanted to go in life and pursued that vision.

You have to want "it" bad enough

When all hope seems lost, your heart is what will get you thorugh the struggle. Your want must be stronger than your pain. You have to be obsessed with whatever apsirations you have.

Don't take "no" for an answer

Mike was dismissed from the scare program and still went on to fight in the scare games. Mike was then expelled from Monsters University and later founf himself to be one of the best Scarers at Monsters Inc.

Fight for what you want

Even when Mike was initally dismissed from the scare program he fought for a spot in the scare games.

You have to be ALL IN!

Mike had tunnel vision when it came to his dream. Nothing could sway him to move from it.

Believe in yourself

Mike believed in himself the whole time. Despite that fact that many monsters told told him he wouldn't make it, he never broke.

If you work hard enough you can achieve your goals

Mike read every scarer related textbook from cover to cover. He trained long hours in order to achieve his goals.

You need to study the game

When Mike wasn't training, he was studying. He watched previous scarers;he even broke into Monsters Inc, as an undergrad, just to watch the professionals in action.

Wake up early

Mike would wake up by 6am everyday. He would wake up and be ready to go after what he wanted. Mike would always wake up excited to work towards his goal.

Be relentless

You have to get up again after every fall. Your dream has to be bigger than you. You have to be wlling to work everyday and everynight to accomplish your dreams. Show up everyday hungry for it.

Suprise your haters

Mike's number one hater was Dean Hardscrabble, she couldn't wait for him to fail. Hardscrabble told Mike that he should give up on his pursit to become a scarer because it would never happened. The Dean make it clear that she hardly ever is surprised by the outcome of certain matters. In the case of Mike, she was certainly surprise by his ability to persevere. Heck, Mike even frightened the Dean towards the end of the movie.

Start from the bottom and work your way up

As many of you may know, Mike and Sully were expelled from MU; that didn't stop Mike though. In the last scene of the movie and into the end credits you see that Mike and Sully started off as mail carriers at Monsters Inc. and worked their wway up into being scarers.

I hope this post made you all look at Mike Wazowski a bit different. Mike may not have been the ideal scarer but she she worked hard to make sure he became on the best. That takes a lot of heart. Many people (characters) aren't passionate enough about what they want to achieve and that's why they don't finish. Be relentless like Mike.

Pixar Animation Studios
image from Pixar Animation Studios
*Disclaimer: Anything About Everythihng does NOT own any rights to the images used in this blog post*

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