Productivity Without Purpose

Productivity Without Purpose
Photo by Jeremy Lapak / Unsplash

I recently just watched a youtube video starring David Goggins where he talks about how important it is to stay on top of your game no matter what is going on in your life.

For those of you who don't know who David Goggins is, he is a complete FORCE; and I mean that in a good way. Here is a quick biography:

He is a retired Navy Seal of the US military and he is only Navy Seal in history to go through three hell weeks of Basic Training (BT); which in itself is absolutely BRUTAL! He completely transformed himself in matter of three months, in order to become a Navy Seal. He lost lover 100 pounds in three months or less.  

If you wish to learn more about the fascinating man that is David Goggins, feel free to tap on the image below that will redirect you to David Goggins personal site.

Please know that I do NOT own rights to the image used below

Photo links to David Goggin's personal website. I do not own rights to the image used 

This is the video I will be discussing today.

What does it mean to "Perform Without Purpose?"

To perform without purpose means that you have absoluetly NOTHING going on but you are working at the highest level. You need to able to perform without purpose so that one day, when this magical, "purpose-filled" day comes, you're ready.

In other words, you have to stay ready so that you don't have to get ready. That's what it means to "Perform Without Purpose."

What David Goggins Taught Me In This Video?

You are the PRIZE.

The only "purpose" or reason you need in life has always, and will always be yourself. You have to be willing and ready to show up for yourself each and every day. You have to show up for your star player. Nobody else is going to show up for yourself except for you. as Goggins explains in the video, "the number purpose in life is to better oneself."

Now if you, for some odd reason, are not trying to better yourself, you might want to investigate that. Why are you not showing up for yourself? Of course there are days where you we don;t want to do certain things like got to the gym or eat right, but we do them anyway. Sometimes you have to do thinsg you don't want to do to, to get where you want to get. You have to get comefortable being uncomfortable.

It's really easy to stay in bed, watch netflix, eat junk food, etc; it's really easy to give into guilty pleasures, but you have to learn to get off of that stuff and do better for yourself. Do better for yourself. At the end of the day, you have only yourself to blame for the way your life turns out. GET UP! GO OUT!


A lot of people get caught up in the day to day to struggles that they don;t see the bigger picture that is ahead. The day to day struggles makes people what to easitly give up. What folks don't realize is that if they keep fighting better days are going to come. Nothing good comes easy.

If you give up to easy, you're going to remain where you started and you'll just end up goioong in the same cycle of gettting excited, starting, and thenn quitting. You never reach you're potential by quitting. By quitting you are guaranteed to fail. By quitting you are automatically a loser.

You need to get up and FIGHT! You need do things that you have never done before in order to achieve the impossible. You go to go placeses you have never gone before in order to see what your real potential is. You want to be able to look back on your life and be able to say, "at least I tried."

In fact, no, you want to be able to look back at your life and say, "I DID IT. I OVERCAME THAT BATTLE. I WON THAT WAR." You should be able to stand tall, be proud, give yourself a good pat on the back like, "yeah, I DID THAT!" Anything is possible when you put your mind to it. You can become a very powerful individual once you stop allowing yourself to get in your own way.

You have to have PRIDE in yourself

You have to WANT it. You have to be willing to go so hard for yourslef. You literally have to fight. It's hard to find the motivation to fight when you don't even care about yourself.  If you don't have prode in yourself, neither I nor David Goggins can give it to you. There has gotto be a driving force somewhere. There has got to be something fueling the fire. There must be something that makes you move.

Without prode in oneself, you are always going to compromise. You are always going to give into your guly pleasures.

It's like whenn you get a brand new car; let's say your drea car. When you get you get dream car, you're very proud to show off your car. You're rolling around town in it. You won't llet anyone scartch your car. You keep it clean. You do whatever you need to do to keep this dream car of yours in tip top shape. The same way you take care of that car is the same way you need to take care of yourself and have PRIDE in yourself. Carry yourself in a way where people will respect you.  


Make a list of the kind of person you aim to be in life, be as detailed as you can possibly be, every morning look at that list, read it out loud, and aim to be the person on that list. You have to know what you want to stand for.

"If don't you stand for one thing, you'll fall for everything."

Special Thanks

Thank you all for reading my blog post.  I hope that you all enjoyed today's post.

Remember to:

  1. Fight for yourself everyday.
  2. Have PRIDE in yourself.
  3. GET UP.

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As always, LOVE YOU ALL. Share some positivity today! Have a great day!