"Quiet On Set"- The Horror Behind the Scenes

"Quiet On Set"- The Horror Behind the Scenes
Photo by Platforma za Društveni centar Čakovec / Unsplash

As a person who grew up watching a lot of the childhood stars in this documentary, I am completely and utterly disgusted. To think that such vile and heinous acts can be commited to children is deplorable.

The whole time I was watching this documentary series, I couldn't help but think about how, when each of these people were entertaining us, they were going through hell. Another thing that I couldn't help but wonder about is, how much worse the real truth is; because, the stories that these people shared with us, the world, is most likely the watered down. So, if the watered down version is hard to hear, the truth is unimaginable.

To those of you who came foward to share with the world the horror you experienced, thank you so much for being vulnerable with us. I would like to thank the cast members of Nickelodeon's hit show, "All That", namely: Giovonnie Samuels, Kyle Sullivan, Bryan Hearne and Katrina Johnson.

Also, I would like to thank Drake Bell for breaking his silence after 20 years. Thank you for sharing your truth.

I hope that you all may know peace one day, especially Drake. Should you all choose to enter the industry again, I hope the industry welcomes you with open arms and that you work in a calm work environment.

Amanda Bynes

Amanda Bynes was the IT girl for a while. I saw her in a lot of films as a child and I thought her career was taking off. And then, for a while, I just stopped seeing her appear on tv.

As a child, you don't think about someone getting blackballed, or not booking work, or getting abused. So, Amanda Bynes, not being on my screen, I thought nothing of it. With the revelations from "Quiet On Set", I can only imagine what caused the shift. I say this because, she goes from being in shows/ movies and now, in her TikToks, she practically speaks in a monotone manner and is aspiring to become a licensed nail tech. To be clear, there is nothing wrong with wanting to be a nail tech, there is just a shift from who she appeared to be verses now.

In the two images below, it might just be me, but, these look like two different people.

Amanda Bynes says she’s retiring from acting
Image is from NBC News
Amanda Bynes Wants This Job Instead After Brief Return to ...
Image is from E! News

I would like to know what Miss. Bynes' point of view is. Truly, all we can do is speculate at this time because Amanda has yet to officially come out and speak about her experience throughout all of this. All we really know about what may have or have not happened to her is through the lens of her collegues. As much as we would like to know more about her perspective, we, the people, are not entitiled to it.

To Dan Schneider credit, in regards to Amanda Bynes, no one ever says that he did anything inappropriate to her; at least not physically. However, under no circumstances should he have been in a room alone with Miss. Bynes. The video of him being in the hot tub with Amanda Bynes was weird; especially because it was just the two of them and he was on the hot tub fully clothed. I need to know why he thought that was ok.

Better question, why did he think Penelope "Taynt" was ok? I fail to see what was funny about that. I've had a sour taste in my mouth after I found out what "taynt" was; for him to tell a child to play a character with that name, for jokes, is enough to lock him up.

Drake Bell

When I saw Drake Bell on my screen, I had to pause.

I remember, very vividly watching "Drake & Josh". A lot of people that I knew did. I mean, I still watch re-runs every now and then. To hear Drake talk about the abuse that he endured at the time, as a 14/15 year old child, was heartbreaking. Let's keep in mind, in the documentary, he couldn't even bring himself to explicitley tell us what really happened. Bell told the interveiwer to imagine the worst thing someone could do to another person in a sexual assault (SA) situation, and that would be her answer.

To me, that spoke volumes. The silence was indeed loud.

I know a lot of people out there are like, "F**k Drake [Bell], how can he go through SA as a teen and then turn around and groom a child."

I feel people tend to gloss over this part:

"Drake said he responded to a fan without knowing their age, and when he learned their age, he ceased communication with the person."

As written on E! Online.

You can read more about it down below: ⬇️
Drake Bell Addresses “Reckless and Irresponsible” Texts to Minor - E! Online
Drake Bell posted a video sharing “an explanation” to fans following his July sentencing after he pleaded guilty to attempted child endangerment.

As Drake mentioned in the docu-series, there is a bunch of misinformation in the media regarding that case. I appreciate Bell for taking responsibilty for the actions that transpired and for being honest. I respect him for taking ownership of this past actions and for trying to right his wrongs.

Adult Drake may not be the best role model but that doesn't mean teen Drake doesn't deserve empathy either.

Speaking of teen Drake, let's talk about the predator...

Brian Peck

Brian Peck was a dialogue coach for Nickelodeon. This man is in his 40's at the time of the abuse. This man had established is credibility in the industry- he had been working in Hollywood for a long time; way before he even met Drake.

According to the Drake Bell, in the docu-series, "Quiet On Set," this is what happened.

The Sentencing...

Drake is literally a child going up against a 40 year old man who has been in the business for such a long time. To find out that so many well known celebrities came to the courthouse in numbers...in support of Brain Peck was alarming.

To find out that Brian Peck served less than 2 years behind bars was scary. Because how is that possible?

This is the part that will really blow your mind.

Brain Peck then goes on to work on the set of Disney's "Suite Life Of Zack & Cody" as the voice of London Tipton's mirror...

How the hell was he still allowed to work closely with children despite being a registered sex offender?

Why were they not doing intense background checks back in the day???

And you know what's even crazier? Brain Peck isn't the only sick freak to be hired at Nickelodeon at the time. There were at least three other freaks hired by Nickelodeon at the time.

Nickelodeon's hiring process, as of that time, is very questionable.

Nickelodeon's hiring process

The fact that Brian Peck is walking around scot free is appalling. And to be very honest...it's not too late to put that man back in the prison house. He obviously did not serve his full sentence.

The Parents...

The only decent parents were Mr. Bell (Drake's Father) and Bryan Hearne's mother.

Bryan Hearne | This is All That Wiki | Fandom
Image of Bryan Hearne as a child.

When it comes to Bryan Hearne's mother, her being the black mother that she is...I do want to say this...

People know who to play with.

The grown folks behind the scenes, the creeps like Brian Peck, knew that they wouldn't be get away with their sick fantasies with a black momma around. Why? Because she would be on their case like white on rice. So what did they do, they got rid of the "problematic" parent/ people the first season.

Where, oh where, were the parents?

Someone freely shows you that they are pen pals with a notorious serial killer, and you don't pull you child out from that production immediately...I have a problem with that.

That right there is indeed crazy.

The main problem here is, the parents are afraid to lose that check. This is the problem when your kid is the one bringing home to cheddar. Parent's will let almost anything fly because they can't afford to forfeit the money. Parents see a questionable, distasteful sketch but turn a blind eye in fear that this will be the end of a consistent paycheck.

On the otherhand, I do understand not saying anything because of how much work goes into securing your child that spot on television. I understand not wanting to let go of what appears to be a great opportunity for your child and your family.

It's very easy for people, now, to say, "how could you do this?" or "why did you allow your kid to keep working there?", etc. I don't think people fully grasp how hard it must have been for the parents to go to every audition with these kids, the cost of driving or flying to and fro, just for oyu kid to get this spot.

Do you know how many kids are lining up for this spot?

Also, in the series, a lot of the people that spoke out, mentioned how Dan Schneider created a very hostile environment. Anyone that didn't give him the "right" answer or that didn't come to him correctly...God help you.

So for the parents, I could somewhat sympathize with them as to why they turned a blind eye to certain things.

Drake's Mother

I really hate that she didn't listen to her ex husband on letting Drake anywhere near Brian Peck. For her to dismiss Mr. Bell's warnings on several occassions was upsetting. It was more so upsetting because her reason, according to Drake himself, was that she hated driving...

Why would you take on the role of being his manager then?

To her credit, once Drake's mother was made aware of what had been happening to her son, she notified the authorities.

Ned's Declassified Cast


The cast of ‘Ned’s Declassified’ laugh and joke on TikTok live about Dan Schneider’s misconduct allegations in new ‘Quiet on Set’ documentary. 🎥 bbjessTTV #danschneider #nickelodeon #quietonset #tiktoklive #tiktok #allegations #nedsdeclassified #drakebell #documentary

♬ original sound - Daily Mail

For the cast memebers of Ned's Declassified to laugh at the people that came forward to tell their stories was disrespectful. The crazy thing is, is while they are busy slapping their knees about this Dan Schneider situation, they don't realize just how messed up they are either.

There are many times in their podcast where they talk about engaging in inapproprate acts on set, behind the scenes.

Fans Are Reacting To “Ned’s Declassified” Stars Revealing Which Shocking Sexual Act They Tried Multiple Times
“They should’ve kept this classified.”

Granted, what the Ned's Classified's cast did was with each other, but even then...they don't have room to talk, much less laugh at another person's abuse. It's incredibly insensitive and they need to do better.

Let's Talk About This Backwards apology

This is a 19 minute long interview. I watched it to it's entirety and I just want to say that, I wish I could get my 19 minutes back.

In this interview, Dan says a whole lot of nothing. His words sound very cafeully placed. He sounds like he trying to be politically correct. Dan, in this interview, is pretty much trying to cover his bases.

Let's start with the fact that he has T-Bo, from his hit show, "iCarly", interviewing him. I don't understand why Dan would expect the public to take his response sincerly when even in this interview, he's controlling the narrative. I, for one, cannot take this interview seriously because everytime the screen pans to T-Bo or "BooG!e", as he goes by, all I think about is this,

Dan should have went to someone who was unbiased in the issue. Not going to lie, Judge Judy should have probably been the one to handle the case, cause Judge Judy doesn't play.

The interviewer aside, whenever Dan would apologize for his actions, he would say, "I'm sorry if..."

As of the date of this blog post, we're only 4 episodes in and Dan felt compelled to apologize and make a formal comment. Dan clearly know he was wrong. He knows there is a lot of truth in this documentary.

All I can say to Dan Schneider is...pray to your God.

All in All

In conclusion, this series, as of episode 4, is crazy- for lack of a better word. You know, as a kid, you never piece together certain things until you're an adult. To find out, the person that created some of your favorite shows growing up, is not good person is...shocking.

Thank You For Reading!

Thank you all so much for reading! I know there are a lot of things I didn't address in this installment, I just wanted to talk about some of the highlights for me. If there are some things from the series from episode 1-4 that you wish for me to comment on, let me know in the comments.

I hope you all enjoyed reading this. Have a great day!