Random Things I Wish To Ask God.

Random Things I Wish To Ask God.
Photo by Mark Olsen / Unsplash

Hello everyone!

Today, I just thought of something random to talk about, as you can tell by the title. I don't know how these questions came into my head, but once I started I couldn't stop. Below are some questions I wish to ask God.

Here we go!

  • What is your actual name?
  • Did Adam & Eve actually call you "God"?
  • Do you have a face?
  • Since we are made in your likeness, is your face a combination of every person to walk the earth?
  • Do you have a wife?
  • Are the angels considered your children?
  • How long is 7 days for you? Because it can't be the current 7-day week we're experiencing here on Earth.
  • To us, mankind has evolved throughout the ages, and we are in the 21st century. How long has all this time been for you?
  • When you created Adam & Eve, and they sinned, why not simply start project "humans" all over again?
  • What was your original intention for the world?
  • Why plant a tree of knowledge and truth and allow a serpent into your garden?
  • How many worlds did you create before you created the Milky Way? Is this all just one big simulation?
  • What made you want to create a universe full of beings that may or may not believe in you?
  • Was it really necessary for Jesus to die on the cross? Don't get me wrong, I appreciate his sacrifice, but I feel like there could have been another way. I don't know; it just seemed a tad bit dramatic.
  • How come Jesus almost talked in parables? Why couldn't he be straight up with the people?
  • Why did Mary have to be impregnated by the Holy Spirit? Why not implant into everyone's minds that Jesus was there? Why couldn't Jesus just pop up, no questions asked?
  • Are there multiple universes, or is Marvel Studio going mad?
  • Is there such a thing as reincarnation? This question piggybacks off of the last question. Whenever people die in the Milky Way, do you send them to a different station in a different galaxy so they can start all over?
  • Was it necessary to make roaches so resilient?
  • Why do mosquitoes like to sing in people's ears?
  • Why can't animals talk to us and vice versa?
  • Do you still create new animals in this present day?
  • Did you really want to rest on the 7th day, or were you just bored?
  • What was the inspiration for this project? What made you want to create this place?
  • "There is nothing new under the sun." With that phrase in mind, do you ever get bored watching mankind?
  • How come other planets in the Milky Way don't have life? Why are other planetsn't safe for us humans to live on for a long period of time?
  • Why did you allow mankind to create this idea of work? Why must the rest of us pay for the sins of Adam & Eve? We did not eat the apple.
  • As most people know, humans were set on this earth to worship and adore God; which religious denomination is doing what you actually want us to do? Because everyone thinks they are doing the right thing, but no one truly knows...
  • Did you and your son, Jesus, have a discussion after he was resurrected from the dad? If so, how did that go?
  • How does Jesus feel about folks reenacting the moments leading up to his death every year during Lent season?
  • Why the name "Jesus"? What was the inspiration behind the name?
  • Are Adam and Eve in Heaven?
  • When did you create your Angels?
  • How did Heaven come to be?
  • God, do you have a father and or siblings yourself? If you do, have they also built their own worlds like you?
  • Rather than sending Luci to hell, why didn't you evaporate him?
  • Was there a meeting conducted between yourself and the angels about Luci's punishment?
  • Are there angels walking amongst humans in human form?
  • God, why didn't you give us superpowers? Actually, never mind, you made the right call on this one. We were already vicious with your basic model/form.
  • In other galaxies, do your creations have superpowers?
  • After watching "Lucy," what would actually happen if humans used 100% of their brain capacity? How long would it take for humans to get there?
  • Why did you allow slavery to happen? Why did you allow the oppressors to drag it out for so long?
  • Was Australia originally meant to be a domain for experiments? I ask this because the number of unique creatures on one continent is fascinating.
  • Was the ocean originally that deep, or was it just an aftermath of the flood?
  • How many prayers do you receive in a day?
  • How many prayers do you answer in a day?
  • Are you Santa Clause?
  • Why did you allow the ancient Greeks to come up with gods of their own? Why not set the record straight?
  • When the people were building a staircase to Heaven, why not simply ruin their train of thought? Why cause confusion by making them all speak different languages?
  • How did demons come about? Did Luci create them? Have they always been there? Or are demons less known as fallen angels?
  • After Adam and Eve ate the apple, why didn't you provide an antidote?
  • I know you're OUR father, but do YOU have a father?
  • How did the thought of creating people and things to worship you come about?
  • What was occurring before you made the universe?
  • Did the dinosaurs really have to be hit so aggressively?
  • How far apart are the years between the end of the dinosaur age and the birth of humans?
  • Did you make the ocean floor so out of reach because there are portals do different worlds at the bottom?
  • Why didn't you end the human race after the flood?
  • Where are the remains of the ark?
  • Why does global warming happen?
  • Why do animal extinctions happen? Why not create more of an extinct animal in small patches?
  • How come humans don't live as long as they used to, according to the Bible? For example, Methuselah lived till 969. Why doesn't that happen anymore?
  • Do you feel you made a mistake in bringing the idea of "kings/queens" into the world?
  • What made you freeze the earth? What was the Ice Age about? Were you in your Elsa era?
  • Will humans ever get along?
  • When will there be peace?

There are just so many things I want to ask you, Father. I truly hope these questions aren't offensive. These are harmless, funny questions.

Happy Reading!

Thank you all for reading. I hope you all enjoyed it. Please tell me some of your questions for God, if you have any, in the comments below.

Have a lovely day and remain blessed.