RANT | I Hate This Place

RANT | I Hate This Place
Photo by Mohamed Fareed / Unsplash

Hello everyone! Welcome to Anything About Everything (AAE). Today, I want to let out my grievences about this place called the gym. If you are someone who has been going to gym for a while and you haven't been seeing results or you are someone who has been seeing results and you still hate this hell room...this blog post is especially for you. Stay tuned in!


I have been consistenly going to the gym for 5 days everyweek for a few months. In those few months, I haven't lost a significant amount of weight. This is okay; I mean, these results are expected. But to not have lost approximately 1 pound a week??!!??!! I am absolutely LIVID.

I know, I know...I can't be mad at anyone but myself for having seen no results but geez...shouldn't showing up just be enough?

Everytime I go to the gym, I feel like I am giving it my all. Apparently my all isn't good enough and at this point I really feel like giving up on the gym and trying another form of training. Perhaps dancing, rock climbing, cycling, walking for 2+ hours, boxing...idk.

I don't get how and when people begin to have fun at the gym. The gym feels like another job at this point; except I am paying the gym and not the other way around. I know the gym isn't meant to be entertaining but dang, it doesn't have to be boring either. This is why folks want to quit so soon. At least if you're seeing results, the motiviation to keep going will be natural. So far it just feels like I'm mindlessly clanging and banging.

Honestly, showing up to the gym and doing the workout isn't even the hard part. The hard part is DIETING. My problem is, I like food. I love to eat. That's not changing. There has got to be way for me to continue eating the foods I like, without killing myself in the gym in order to see results.

The other thing I hate about dieting is, if your diet isn't right...your whole gym journey is wasted. So really, this why I think I should quit and start from the square one. This gym journey of a thing should not be so hard...

I knew why girls would get lipo before but I never understood it until now. This gym crap is a real chore and I’m not going to lie...if I had the money I would probably try to get lipo done myself because I am so tired of working out. I'm honestly just good with walking but no, I want to be stacked like Megan Thee Stallion so of course, I have to lift some weights.

Ugh...all this stress because I want to look snatched...who begged me please?

One thing about it, once I lose this weight and get back fine (that was a Vedo pun from his hit song, "You Got It" *wink wink*) I CANNOT allow myself to ever get this out of shape ever again because WHAT??? This gym life is not for the weak; and let me tell y'all something, i’m fighting everyday to not become part of the weak. Everyday day I plan to go to the gym, my pillows and my cover look better and better.

Don't get it twisted...

I am seeing results but they aren't the results I want. I want results I can see; not just physcological results. I will say, however, I am doing much better than the me from last year. Last years me would do her routine for like a month and half, max, and then go on a three month hiatus so...yeah.

But you know what? I am going to continue on this gym journey. Right now, me and gym have a love/hate relationship- although it's mostly hate for now.

Words of Encouragement

Anyways, wish me luck I continue on my gym journey. For those of you who are still beginners don't give up. I know it may seem hypocritical from me, seeing as I think about quitting everyday I go to the gym, but I am still yet to give up; so I hope you don't either.

No matter what you do, try to stay in shape. Your goal doesn't have to be getting toned or whatever, you should simply try to get in shape for health purposes. Simply walking for 30 minutes everyday is good enough for cardiovascular health.


Thank you all so much for reading. I hope this post was helpful to you all in some way. I will do my best to keep you all updated on my gym journey. I hope the next time I talk about the gym, my comments will be much more...enthusiatic.

Have a great day and remain blessed!