Rant | My Pet Peeves

Rant | My Pet Peeves
Photo by Nsey Benajah / Unsplash

Hello everyone!

I hope you all are doing well. As you can tell by the title and the image above, I have a lot to unload. Today, I'm going to share some of my pet peeves with you all. To be honest, this blog post may more so be for me than it is for you all, but I will continue nonetheless.

Welcome to Anything About Everything (AAE). If this is your first time here, I'm glad to you clicked on the link that brought you here. I sincerly hope that you enjoy the content and subscribe. ☺️
To my loyal subscribers, thank you all for your love and support. Thank you for taking the time out to read my content. You all are wonderful! ❤️

Now, let'e get into the topic!

What is a "pet peeve?"

-This is just for clarification purposes-

A pet peeve is something that a person finds particulary annoying. Younger people sometimes refer to this as an "ick." Essentially a pet peeve is something, usually minor, that ticks a person off.

Now that everyone is clear on the meaning of "pet peeves" let'e talk about mine.⬇️

My Pet Peeves:

#1: People that are LATE.

I absoluetly cannot stand people that are serial late comers. When I say late I don't mean by a few minutes (a 10 minute window is forgivable), I mean people who decided to hop in the shower when you and the person agreed to meet up somewhere at a specific time. At least if you are going to be late, let the other person know so that you all can move accordingly.

The only time that this would be excusable, is if it's a party then in that case, "the more the merrier." I understand that for a party, it would be kind of awkward to walk into a scanty venue. On the otherhand, celebrants wouldn't have to walk into a scanty hall if the guests would come to the event on time.

#2: People picking off my plate

There is no reason why if I go out with my friends/family, and we all order something that I should be seeing you getting ready to dip your fork into my plate. Kevin Hart got it right when he said this:


Let's get this straight, if you wanted to try a little bit of everything, you should have gone to a buffet. Why in the hell do you think it's okay to dig into my meal? If your meal is trash, I am sorry, take it back. Don't dig in my plate unless I offered.

If you know you're hungry, order your own meal.

#3: People who bring noise

Either they bring noise or they are the noise themselves; any way you put it, these people have got to go. Everywhere they go, they are just chaos. Imagine trying to sleep for work and all of sudden somone walks in the room, playing a video on the highest volume possible.

Or what about people who always have their conversation on speaker phone in public spaces and they, themselves, are also screaming to the person on the phone...It's the lack of social awareness and consideration for others that always gets me.

#4: The people who are always so eager to get off the plane

You when the pilot lands the plane and everyone stands up to grab their carryon luggage from the overhead storage area...Why is it that the people seated on the back of the plane are always so eager to get up first? Either way you're in the back, there is no way you're going to get off of the plane as quickly as you hope.

#5: The diet police

I hate a "oh, that's too fattening?" person. Did I tell you I was on a diet? Did I tell you I was watching my weight? Who has time to be counting the calorie amount of every single meal?


It’s like we can never have anything. 😒😒 @Bryanne Hackman #fyp #foryourpage

♬ original sound - Beverly adaeze

Thank for the warning but no thank you. Allow me to eat in peace. My God is a calorie burner.

Special shoutout to @Beverlyadaeze for continously making the world laugh.

#6: People who refer to themselves in the third person

Just one question...are you people ok? No, are you alright? Is everything ok? Why are you referring to yourself in the third person as if, you have a clone of yourself?

Let me just set the scene for you all:

You have a friend, let's name them "Jackie;" everytime you speak to your friend, the conversation goes like this:

keep in mind there is no one else in the room but you and your friend, "Jackie"

You: "Hey Jackie, you want some ice cream?"

Jackie: "No, Jackie doesn't eat ice cream."


You're going to be looking at them like they are crazy, because is there another Jackie in the room? Is there something I need to know? It's so ridiculous.

#7: People who drive slowly

Slow drivers are so annoying. Those are the people that cause the traffic; I'm convinced. Google/Apple Maps will show yellow on the street marks only for you to realize there is no accident, just two slow drivers at the front.

Another annoying thing is when you're trying to switch lanes but the car in front of you is going to slow and the car next to you is not moving fast or slow enough for you to jump in their lane.

Another annoying thing that happens is when you're trying to switch lanes and just when you put your signal on, the car that was driving slow suddenly knows where their gas petal is...

#8: People who insert others into their insults

This situation wilol usually happen with an aunty and someone that is overweight. Someoone's aunty might say something like, "I need to lose weight. Me and [insert name of an overweight girl who's minding her business] need to hit the gym."

Um, excuse me? You don't know what that girl's goals are or what she's going through. If you want to lose weight that is fine, but keep the topic on you alone. Don't involve others.

#9: Nose pickers...

Oh my goodness, nose pickers are absolutely disgusting. YUCK! Please grab some tissue and have hand sanitizer on standby (that is, if soap and water are not in proximity).

I hate when someone digs in their nose and then tries to carry on as if they didn't do something nasty.

#10: Ants

I realize I have no control over this because this is a mother nature issue but seeing to many ants makes my skin crawl.

Ants are some of the smartest creatures on earth and they are very vital to the ecosystem, but seeing too many of them...like in the scenario above...

The only real response to this is

#11: People who jump in the bed with their outside clothes on or people who put their luggage/suitcase on the hotel bed

If you're someone who does this, I cannot share a room with you. Your suitcase has been on so many things that you are not aware of and the first thing you do is put on the bed??? The bed that you are going to sleep on?? Later on you'll be wondering why you are growing pimples in weird places. It's because of this behavior.

#12: People who squeeze the toothpaste from the middle


I am Toke Makinwa in this scenario. I can't stand when someone presses on the toothpaste tube from the middle, especially when when the tube is fresh.

Please, why are you people like this?

If you would to see more of this comedy series called Therapy starring Falz and Toke Makinwa here is the link: https://youtu.be/jKczP1Hbrzc?si=GJmd5e4Bq_MliU41

#13: People who leave the leftovers in the pot and put the pot in the fridge

This is just lazy. Laziness at the highest form in fact. The only time this would acceptable is if there no more tupperware available.

#14: People who leave crumbs as leftovers

This one is really for my dad, my dad will make himself breakfast and leave his leftovers in a plate. He will then go upstairs and wake everyone up to tell us that he made plantain and that there are leftovers in case anyone wants some. Someone eventually makes their way to the kitchen to see the said "leftovers" only to lift up the plate cover in excitement and it's 1.5 measley pieces of plantain.


(I say 1.5 because he ate half of the other plantain)

If you didn't want to wash your plate, just say that. You mean to tell me you couldn't just swallow the remaining plantains???

My brother does something similar where he will leave a whole box of pizza in the fridge but inside the box is one slice of pizza and 3 pieces of the pizza crust that he bit into...

All I want to know is, what was the reason?

#15: Menu changers/ confused orderers

I hate when people rush their way to the front of the line only to get up there and not know what they want to eat. Why do these things always happen when you're in a hurry.

Another thing is when people will order something off the menu and start to deconstruct it. You're better off cooking. Why go somewhere and make the employee's life harder then it needs to be? And then people always want to perform these antics in the drive thru...this is not the place for this!!!

The drive thru is for quick orders. If you know you want something specific, please go inside. Or get what's on the menu, as is, and take off what you don't like at home. Please, stop holding up the line.

Thanks for reading!

This blog post was very therapeutic. Thank you all for your support. Thank you so much for reading. If you found any of this amusing, relatable, fun, please SUBSCRIBE and SHARE.

Also, please let me know your thoughts or if you agree.

BONUS: If you all can help me get 100 subscribers, I'll make a part 2 of this post.

Thanks again everyone. Love you!