The Benefits of Learning A Second Language

The Benefits of Learning A Second Language
Photo by Hannah Wright / Unsplash

I know what you're thinking,

"It's hard enough trying to master one language talk less of learning a new one,"

But trust me, learning a new language has countless benefits. In this blog post I will go over the many reasons why I think learning a new language could be beneficial to you. I will even leave some links that may be helpful to you, as you embark on your linguistic journey.

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What Are The Benefits of Learning A Second Language?

#1: IT COULD SAVE YOUR LIFE-This is not meant to scare anyone, but learning a new language could potentially save your life. Imagine you're in a foreign land with no internet connection and you need to find your way to the American Embassy-for example; knowing how to speak the predominant language of whatever country you're in could potentially save your life.  

#2: YOU LEARN & UNDERSTAND A DIFFERENT CULTURE- In order to learn a new language, you somewhat have to submerse yourself in the culture. By learning about a people's culture, you get a new  found appreciation for the language, the people, and their beliefs.

#3: INCREASE YOUR SALARY- Many of you many  not know this, but knowing how to speak another language-especially Spanish-gives you more of an edge. You can boost your pay dramatically simply because you are bi-lingual.

"In the increasingly globalized and interconnected world, being able to communicate in more than one language is a highly marketable skill that often commands a higher salary. In fact, research shows that those who are bilingual or multilingual can earn 5%-20% more per hour than those who aren’t."

I took this excerpt from source number one.

#4: TRAVELLING WILL BE EASIER- Getting around in foreign places is so much easier when you know the basics of another language.  Something as simple as getting directions is so much easier when there isn't a language barrier. I mean, the  last thing you want to do is get lost, in an unfamiliar environment, with no way home right?

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#5: A DIVERSE SET OF NEW FRIENDS: Do you know how much of a flex it is to be able to touchdown in some random place on Earth and say you have friends there? This a blessing that comes with learning a second language. The best part is, even if aren't fluent that's ok because I'm sure you're new friends will be more than happy to help you.  

Not only that but you get some free practice in by communication with your many different friends in their language; so without even realizing it, you're implementing all that you have been learning.

#6: EXPAND YOUR DATING POOL- There are so many people who miss out on their potential life partner because of culture clashes or language barriers. Learning a second language, could help you broaden your horizon. You never know who might meet. Don't let language from pursuing the live of your life. Figure out a way to communicate.

The ability to speak to someone in their native tongue goes a long way when it comes to building trust. When your dating, TRUST is fundamental. Someone's level of trust can make or break any relationship.

#7: YOU JUST LOOK COOL- Let's be honest here, we all know at least one person who can speak two, or more, languages, and don't're a tiny bit jealous that you aren't fluent in another language aren't you? It's okay, you're not alone; there are plenty of people that can relate to your situation.

Knowing a second language, especially one that isn't predominately used in the country you're in just set's you apart. People who can speak multiple languages fluently...kudo's to you. I hope to be like you when I grow up.


Below I have listed some great videos for those of you who wish to learn a language that is foreign to you. I know these these videos will be beneficial to you. Check them out!

PRO TIP: Another great way to get acquainted with another language is by watching international movies/tv shows.




6 Career Benefits of Learning a Second Language
Learning a new language can only benefit your current or future career (and your resume). Unique career opportunities, new networks, and better salary await.


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Anyhow, that's all for today beautiful people. I hope you have a lovely day. Please stay safe and remain BLESSED.



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