The Importance of Being Grateful

The Importance of Being Grateful
Photo by Lore Schodts / Unsplash

As we all know, christmas is around the corner and many of us will be receiving gifts. On the other hand, there are some people who Santa Clause may not have the chance to visit. As we head into one of the most precious times of the year, I want to remind all of us to appreciate the gifts that we receive.

Hello everyone, welcome to Anything About Everything! On this blog we talk about of a variety of topics. Please free to explore the rest of my blog after you finish reading this post. I hope you enjoy what you find. Happy Reading!

Christmas is a wonderful holiday. It's a time of celebration. It's a time to be merry and to enjoy a nice feast with your family. Christmas is the one holiday that gifts are expected in abundance. However, people can't afford to get you everything that's on your christmas list. Please extend some grace to your loved ones- espcially if are from a huge family. Y'all have to understand, money gets tight this time of year-especially with the way inflation is going these grateful you got something.

Before you take it upon yourself to carry a long face becuase you didn't get presence that you desired ask yourself the following questions:

Questions to ask yourself when receiving a gift:

  1. Do I deserve this present? Have I been nice all year? Have I been my BEST self to others? If you know, in your heart, that you were your best you this year then ask yourself this...
  2. Did [person who gave me this gift] work hard to give me this gift? Kids generally have a knack for knowing when their parents are working hard. So how could an adult not know? Be grateful their friend got you a gift. Everyone isn't in the same place in life. Just because you can afford to gift your friend a rolex doesn't mean your friend. Accept the gift with a smile on your face; especially if you know if your friend really worked their butt off to get you that gift.
  3. Was this gift from the heart? This is one of those, "it's the thought that counts" like questions but it's a fact/ The thought does indeed count. Something as simple as making your loved ones or friends a slideshow or an album full of printed pictures would be a nice gift. If all someone can afford to give you this year is to help cook christmas dinner, accpet it. Be glad.
  4. Why do I feel obligasted to a gift? This question piggybacks off of question one. Have you been naughty this year? Why should anyone feel the need give you anything when you've behaved like a gank all year? You cannot be nasty all year and then decide to switch up your attitude at the last second. That's not how this works. At least, if you're going have an attitude all year, keep it consistent around the holiday's...don't switch up at the last second.
  5. Can I afford to buy the gift I requested for? This is especially for the kids that open their mouths to say that they want an iPhone 15 but don't make any money. Don't ask people to take on financial burdens you, yourself, cannot take on.
  6. Is this gift really useful to me or do I just want this gift to keep up with the crowd? If you know that the gift you are requesting for is something you will drop within the nexrt three business days, let the gift go. Ask for a gift that you know is worth it.

Please keep these questions in mind as you are receiving gifts this year. Also, please don't be one of those people who only give to others in hopes that they will receive gifts because that's not truly giving, that's a transaction. If you want to give then give from the purest part of your heart.

So once again, please be appreciative of anything you get this christmas. Be mindful of your attitude bcause you never know, your present(s) may simply be delayed.

This year, I humbly ask for you all not to be as bitter as Ebenezer Scrooge. Do not cower into the comfort of your loneliness like the Grinch. Finally, do not wish to be alone on Christmas like Kevin McAllister; you never know, your wish may just be granted one day.

Anyhow, those are enough holiday puns. I wish you all a Merry Christmas. Enjoy your time with your family. If you don't have family- I am so sorry for that- please try to get together with some friends.

Happy Holidays AAE Family! ❤️🎄