Things I’m Learning As I’m Getting Older

Things I’m Learning As I’m Getting Older
Photo by Markus Spiske / Unsplash

My mom was right when she said, ”you’ll understand when you get older.” Because boy oh boy are things making more sense as a I get older. There are so many things I didn’t understand when I was a kid and there are things that I am getting really good at as I up in age. Today, I want to discuss in this blog post things that I have learned and realized along the way, in hopes that the many of you can learn from my past and better your future.

Without further hesitation, let’s jump into today’s post!

Things I’m learning as I’m getting older:

#1: “There is food at home“

As a kid, I used to get upset whenever I would ask for McDonalds, for example, as a kid and I would see my parents completely by the establishment. I used to be heated.

Now that I’m older, I totally understand why they did what they do. For one thing, eat out too frequently is not good for you. Secondly, y’all are going to eat these groceries. Eating out too much…that bill adds up fast; especially if you have multiple kids.

So yes, “there is rice at home.”

#2: “Everyone that came with you, can’t come with you.”

I have to give credit where credit is due, I got this quote from Steve Harvey.

What I mean in the context of this quote is, it’s okay to outgrow friends. As you get older, your lifestyle or value may not align with the mindset you might have had with your childhood buddies. There is nothing with this, you’ve just outgrown your friends. That’s okay.

#3: Extend some grace to everyone

People are living their individual lives. If your friend does not speak to you everyday, it’s okay. Till this day, I’ll never understand someone being mad at another person for not talking to them on a daily basis. And even then, the phone works both ways.

I need people to understand this, just because I don’t talk to you everyday- and I mean a proper conversation not greetings or ”have a good day.”- does not mean we are not cool. Please do not take it upon yourself to make up fake beef because I didn’t have full blown conversation with you.

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#4: Saying “no” is easy.

You are not obligated to say yes to anything you don’t want to do. Confidently saying “no” to something you don’t want to do will save you so much headache later on.

However, let me put this disclaimer out there, we live in a world have a “trade by barter“ mentality. People like to go favor for favor with others. This is what I mean, when you do someone a favor they are more inclined to help you out in your time of need. You have to be okay with potentially having to do things alone.

#5: People don’t know how to have fun without a drink or a smoke

Don’t let people try to guilt trip, or should I say “lame trip,” you into thinking you‘re bad vibes be you don’t want To consume alcohol or smoke.

Y’all can laugh all y’all want but let me tell y’all something, that, “oh my gosh, just take a shot,” will not work on me. And then following that sentence with, “ugh, you’re so boring,” all because I refuse to take a shot with you…will not work on me. Just because you don’t know how to have fun without alcohol or smoking does not make me lame. If anything, you are the lame/boring one because you don’t know how to have fun without crutches to hold you up.

I don’t know if y’all realize this but the organ donor list is long. People aren’t just lining up to give body parts. Your body isn’t a car or a house. You can’t just order a new kidney or liver on Amazon. The make/model of your body is the body you will have till you die. You have to try your best to maintain it. So why would I unnecessarily accelerate the deterioration process of my organs?

Don’t get me wrong, indulging in a drink here and there is okay; I drink once every blue moon myself. However drinking crazy every other day or every week is ridiculous.

#6: Listening is important

Younger me was so quick to talk. Everything the other person is saying is going in one ear and out the other. I would never fully understand what the other person was saying.

Taking the time to hear the other person out and ingesting their thoughts is important. Also, you don’t have to respond then and there. You can simply listen and come back with a more thought out response later.

If you happen to be involved with a lawyer the you may want to really take your time and think about your response before you response. You may even need to create a PowerPoint.

#7: Cut all the deadlines

Why do people have this idea that everything needs to be done by the age of 30. Why do people have this misconception that after 30 you’re a fossil?

A job, marriage, kids, does not need to done by the age of 30. Cut all the deadlines. This is exactly why people tend to settle down and do things they don’t want to do. People make it seem like after 30 you should give up all your dreams. 30 is considered old when in reality 30 is really young. 30 is not an expiration date. Stop making folks feel geriatric for passing the threshold of 30.

It’s much better to take your time and do things properly than to be in a rush because you’re trying to catch up with your age mates. Don’t let peer pressure but you in a situation you aren’t prepared for.

Thanks for Reading!

Thank you all for taking the time to read today’s post. I really hope you enjoyed it and that it was helpful to you all.

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I wish you all the very best and please sure to stay tuned for my next post.

Have a wonderful week! Love y’all! ❤️