Why did I choose to start a blog?

Why did I choose to start a blog?
Photo by Etienne Girardet / Unsplash

Hello my beautiful people; I hope your week has been wonderful. Today, I wanted to address a question I tend to get a lot..."Why did you choose to start a blog?" I wanted to take the time to clear the air once and for all.

The Answer:

To be honest, there wasn't really a definite reason as to why I decided to start this blog. The truth is, I have started many blogs in the past and then I always ended up dropping the whole project but I don't know...this blog just seems different. Here is why I started this blog post:

#1: Writing/Typing is a great way to get my thoughts out.

This blog is the clostest thing I have to an online diary. It's almost like my own private Twitter/ X where I just share my thoughts on things. This whole blog is really just me talking to myself. For those of you tune in every week and read my thoughts, thank you so much for your love. ❤️

#2: If all else fails, at least I have this blog.

I will not lie to you people, money was a huge reason why I started this blog. Blogging is one of the most stress free ways to make money, period; on- or offline. There all kinds of people making money online by simply taking the time out to write a column or make a video; why can't I do the same thing?

The way I see it, blogging is a great way for someone to start a business without getting caught up in all the hooplah of looking for investors, office space, employees, etc. Blogging is the easiest business to start (from a upfront cost/financial standpoint) I have ever come across.

#3: I am camera shy.

Making videos is very tasking. I have tried in the past to make video content and it's very tiring. You have to make sure your lighting is great, you have to edit, then you get self concious about how you look, etc. It's just so much of job on its own aside from making the actual video content. Even voice overs aren't easy. If you stumble on your words or if you don't pronounce a word correctly, you have to start all over and do another take.

With blogging, I can just get up and type my content without putting my face out there (in terms of getting dolled up).

#4: Time sensitivity

Writing a blog takes way less time than making a vlog. I can crank out 3 decent blog posts in 3 hours or less. Whereas with vlogging, recording may take the whole day, unless I am recording something really specific and then I have to edit the video later. Blogging is more so just writing/typing the content and then going back to proofread which can be done quicker thanks to technology.


Well folks those are the reasons why I decided to start a blog. I hope you all aren't disappointed. I was just being honest.

I really enjoy blogging though. Blogging is probably something I would do even I didn't make money from it. It's actually really fun.

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Thank you all so much! Have a lovely day! ❤️😊