RANT| Why is it so D**n HOT?

RANT| Why is it so D**n HOT?
Photo by Tandem X Visuals / Unsplash

I know you all are on different corners of the world so the experience for everyone varies, but jeez...the heat I am experiencing when I go outside is scary. At this point, I can't help but think, "is God trying to soft launch hell?" Why does it feel like I'm in a fryer everytime I step outside?

And then, we have fish popping up on shore because the water is too hot. Global warming is on the rise. The real question here is...what is mother nature trying to tell us?

I fear Earth will only get HOTTER; so what does that mean for us humans?

Just FYI, if you haven't watched "Our Planet" narrated by David Attenborough on Netflix I suggest you watch it.

(Of course after you read this blog post.)

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Let's think about this...

-I can only speak for where I am, by the way-

  1. We keep cutting trees for new construction homes. Trees do so much for the ecosystem because they are a means of of shelter for animals, they provide oxygen, and therefore, are natures AC. If you keep cutting down trees in an area where trees are already limited, temperetures will continue to rise. Sooner or later, mankind will be Thneedville from "The Lorax."
  2. What effect does heat have on Earth? Too much heat means that animals have to stay hydrated. Too much heat means that the only plant that has a chance of surviving are cactus because they can survive without water for a long time. Too much heat can lead to our lakes, rivers, oceans getting to hot which then leads to fish dying and that in turn throws off our ecosystem. If fish start to die, that means, other animals start to die. If fresh lake water begins to dry up, that could be detrimental to the other inhabitants of Earth. Whether you eat meat or not, you should care about what an over heated Earth could means for you and the next generations to come (if we get there).
  3. No offence, people don't know how to behave in the heat (not in rain either). If Earth is getting warmer, how will that affect the mind of humans. Heat leads to irritation, irritation leads to a whole lot of other emotions that aren't good.

I don't know, maybe I'm overthinking this. Maybe, God may surprise us with a miracle and decide to cool Earth down a tad bit. One can only hope right? All I know is, when it comes to this heat...


Anyways folks,

That's all for today's rant. I hope you all enjoyed what you read. If you did, please be sure to SUBSCRIBE. I also hope that SHARE this post with your friends. Also send me a comment, let me know how this blog post made you feel. I would love to know your thoughts.

Thanks for reading and please be careful out there.