Women Have Some Nerve

Women Have Some Nerve
Photo by Juan Marin / Unsplash

That's right you heard me. Women need to sit down and know their place. How dare a women be built for childbearing, get a degree (or more), get a job, make more than a man, pay bills and then turn around and ask her husband for a little help around the house? How dare a woman ask her husband to watch their child?

You know?...The one that both of them contributed to making?

Women are such funny creatures. What makes you, a women, think you can aspire for more than childbearing, cooking, and cleaning? Men want you to be their chef, maid, the mother of their kids, the working class women, the electrician, the nanny, the waitress/butler, and then also have the energy to freak us in bed, all the while wanting you to remain feminine. Is it to much to ask for?

In case you didn't understand what I was getting at, the title was sarcastic. It is you, men, who behave funny. And of course, this doesn't apply to all men. However, a good chunk of you need a manual reset.

Before I contiune any further I do want to make it known that I know that not all women are good women. However, the ratio of good women to good men is disproportionate. There are so many good women out there. The problem that men have is that they narrow their focus to the "baddies;" you know the hottest of the hottest. Don't get me wrong, I'm not faulting y'all for that- I too, if I was a man, would try to give my future offspring the best genes I can give them. The kicker for me is this, y'all will leave a good thing thing in order to chase something exotic.

A women could be everything and more to man and still be treated like trash.

Why can't y'all just be honest with women and say what y'all want instead of lying and giving a lady the run-around? Men, why do y'all go through the work of chasing a women, dating her, etc and then turn around and say "oh, this is just someone for the meantime." Why are you playing with someone's time like that? Had you, men, been honest from the jump, you may have found someone who is the same wave that you are on. Stop holding women hostage in relationships that you know you aren't serious about.

The married man

If you know you're not into your wife, just tell her you want a divorce stop playing with her. If you want to step out on your partner, cool. Step out on her after the divorce. Why do y'all wait until your wife has gotten an STD from you or when someone comes to your wife with evidence? Why does it have to get to that point?

A women will be faithful to you, and what do you do? You see something new, and you decide to wreck a relationship that's 10 years in the making.

Don't put a women in this situation.

Daddy Of The Year!

I always laugh when a father tells me that they are babysitting...as if it's a side gig. As if he will clockout and return the baby to it's owner. Sir...you are the owner. And it's not babysitting, you are watching your child.

I have seen so many stories online, especially on TikTok, where mothers/wives would get calls from their husbands complaining that the mom has been out for too long. Mind you, the mother, has been out for like hour at the grocery store because there is nothing to eat home; and guess who still has to cook the meal ontop of feeding the baby? The mom.

Or, some unserious fellow will say some rubbish like, "If I watch the baby for the next half hour, I get the rest of the day off and all day tomorrow the baby is yours too."

You know what else cracks me up about fathers?

Fathers that think because they take care for their kids, they deserve an award.

What type of foolishness is that?

And then later, men will turn around and wonder why women refuse to sign up for this rubbish.

Men, stop playing this whole "you're going to die an old maid" angle. It doesn't hit the way it used too. What i've come to find out is that, it is actually men who fear dying alone. You guys fear dying along so much that the government has even made it illegal to have an abortion. Then when the women gives birth and gives you full custody- which is what you wanted when you were being petty- you complain again.

I feel like all this headache and stress wouldn't happen if we all just got right. Men especially. Get it together. If you're going commit to someone, be all in. Be a good husband. Be a good father. That's what really holds a family together. When you're good to folks, they tend to reciprocate that without hesitation.

That fear of dying alone or not having someone to take care of you when you're older, won't be there; extreme cases aside (i.e all your family dies). If you stay loyal to your family and treat them right, you won't become another statistic- you know? The old male client vs the old female client. The old lady's room is full of flowers, and her family always come to visit her. Meanwhile, the man's room is cold; only visitors he gets is from the nurse and the doctor- and that's because that's their job.


Mike Epps comes clean about his past with women and wants to get it right going forward. Full episode of All The Smoke with Mike Epps on our YouTube. #mikeepps #allthesmoke #allthesmokeproductions

♬ original sound - All the Smoke Productions

Do y'all see what I'm talking about? Even Mike Epps admitted that he's never been 100% with a women. What makes it worse is even as he's talking he never said (at least not in this clip) that hes going to treat his current wife better. He kept saying its a goal; as if it's something he's going to accomplish in the next lifetime.

The thing that pissed me off even more is that he said, "now that I'm getting older, I'm realizing..." Men, y'all know what y'all are doing, y'all just choose to be silly. To be honest it's very disappointing and disheartening that you will trample over so many good women and then decide to act right when you're getting older. It's selfish.

And then for Mike Epps to sit there and act like not having a son all this time was a punishment from God...

Goodluck to you sir.


And women don't get cocky. Some of you, don't know a good thing when you see it either. I'm not saying that you have to say yes to every man that gives you something, but, if you know you don't want anything to do with a man, stop accepting his gifts. Return everything back and say "hey, I don't want to waste your time or mine. Thank you for everything, but I don't want this."

Also, stop leaving good men because they don't make Jeff Bezos money. Everyone can't be a CEO. You have to appreciate a man that is trying his hardest.

Now, if that man has no type of ambition...in that case, I say leave that man.

Ladies, I also need y'all to date and marry men who make an honest living. A lot of the time, women control why men do what they do. Men see that women like men who have money. But the man, knows he can‘t afford school and he has no talent (singing, acting, etc). So what does he do? He scams, sales drugs, or steals. And women, y'all egg it on. Soon as a man has money, you don't know where it came from, all you know is that he just bought you ten Birkin bags and five Van Cleef bracelets. Everything is fun and games until the feds come knocking on your door.

When women learn to stop egging on criminal activity, men will stop doing it because they see women don't like that. When criminal activity stops, you can have a more functional community.

And stop going after married men. You want a good man, I get that. But that good man is taken, someone already beat you to him. Quit wrecking people's families. The thing that get's me is, y'all will damage one women's family and then expect that same man that cheated on his wife, with you, not to step out on you as well.

Y'all have to do better.

Last Last

In conclusion,

Men need to get it together. Women need to get it together. This message especially goes out to the folks in their youth. I hope you lot realize that we are the new set of adults. We are now charged with responsility of continuing the human race. I hope that these new set of kids can grow up in a world filled with love. I hope that the kids can grow up in a world where mom and dad are happy. So for their sake of the children, mom and dad - men and women- I need y'all to act right.

We all need to act right.

Thank you.